Equilibrium Design Location

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Design for Not-for-Profits

Since the establishment of the Equilibrium in 2011, the studio has been committed to creating design that drives positive change. Our partnerships with not-for-profit organisations reflect this commitment.

Innovate, impact + inspire

We strongly believe that every organisation, regardless of its size, has a responsibility to society. Wherever possible, businesses should be looking to enrich the communities within which they operate: not only by making informed choices about which clients, suppliers and materials they work with; but by actively supporting not-for-profit organisations that improve the lives of citizens within these communities.

It is Equilibrium’s user-centred approach to design and problem-solving that often finds us closely aligned the goals of many NFPs, and this is why we love to work with and support them. When we choose clients and projects, we are mindful of their impact on the world at large. We focus on innovation, sustainability, support for marginalised groups, and projects or initiatives that delight and inspire.

Genuine partnerships

It is important to us that an engagement in a not-for-profit or community project be a genuine partnership, focussed on sustainable and effective outcomes. It is for this reason that we don’t give work away for free, or make cash donations to NFPs as Equilibrium. We must be resourced appropriately to ensure the success of a project. If we are truly committed to creating impact and change, the work must be great, to support the initiatives of the organisation in a meaningful way.

We base our arrangements with NFPs on where we can create the most value—cost-effective, high-impact solutions at a price they can afford. We look for opportunities for the organisation to get as much ‘bang for their buck’ as possible, without sacrificing quality. By partnering, rather than simply donating, we can be held accountable for the success of the project and ensure that real value is delivered to these organisations.

Some of our NFP partners

Are you a part of a not-for-profit or community-based organisation? Talk to us about how we can partner with you to make your next project truly great!